Membership Terms & Conditions


Choose which service you want to receive each month and receive a specially discounted rate that you will pay each month with your enrollment in this 6-month membership. Our Spa Memberships offer savings on our regular service price. Included with your membership:

  • 10% discount on spa services

  • Locked-in pricing for selected service

  • Use if our gym day of service

  • House charging privileges

  • Share your discount with friends and family

  • Services rollover or may be used towards other purchases if you do not use them within the month.

Spa Membership savings are based on a discount off of our regular discounted spa membership rates.


*Spa memberships require an initial 6-month agreement. Memberships will be billed on the first of each month (if the total amount was not paid in advance) for the full term of the membership using members’ credit card kept on file. An online purchase enrolls you in the Spa Elite Membership contract for six months beginning on either the first of the month, the day of your first arrival, or the day of enrollment. (if the total amount was not paid in advance). Today’s purchase pays for February, and your first automatic payment will begin on March 1, 2021, continuing through July 31, 2021. If you have not canceled your membership by August 1, 2021, you will continue to be billed. You may decide to terminate any time after July 31, 2021.

The discounted rate is only valid through July 31, 2021, and the membership price will be adjusted back to the regular spa membership rates beginning on August 1, 2021. 

Member may freeze membership for up to 3 months/year during which member will be billed a 5% maintenance fee to keep the membership active. If membership is frozen during the first six-month period, the contract will be extended by the number of days frozen. Services rollover or may be used towards other purchases if you do not use them within the month.

A contract is required and will be finalized on your first visit. When the member comes in for the first spa treatment, the member will be given written terms and conditions of the spa membership to sign. This contract will be kept on file, and a copy is available to the member upon request.  After your purchase is completed online, a representative will contact you to collect accurate member and billing information. 


Online purchase is only valid for the chosen service with the finalization of enrollment.  If the member does not agree to the terms and conditions of membership, the member may cancel the membership and use the incremental value of the certificate towards the purchase of any regularly priced services and products.

MEMBERSHIP CONTRACT                                

This Agreement between The Spa at Yellow Creek & the "Paying Client" includes the following monthly services for the “Paying Client” <<SERVICES TO BE LISTED AND THEIR VALUE>>:

This membership will begin on <<XX, XX, 2021>> and Member is committed until * <<XX,XX 2021>>.  *After the "committed until" date, the member may cancel at any time with 30 days’ written notice.  Until the member cancels, the member will continue to be charged the following monthly fees:


Monthly Service Fees: $ <<amount>>

Monthly Tax: $<<amount>>

Total Monthly Fee: $<<amount>>                                  Member Initial: ________


Member Benefits:

These membership benefits are offered to all active elite and hybrid spa members whose monthly service fees exceed $50/month.

·    10% off additional spa services

·    Fixed pricing on services included in membership

·    Members may share his/her discounts when visiting the spa with a friend.

Discounts do not apply towards the purchase of gift certificates or products. These benefits are not eligible for redemption when redeeming points, gift certificates or any other offer.

Billing Information:



I authorize The Spa at Yellow Creek to charge the credit card listed above for the total monthly fee of _______.


Authorized Card Holder Signature:                             Date:


_______________________________________________      ___/____/______


Cancellation and Refunds: Packages and memberships are non-refundable.  Unless 30 days notice is given before the expiration of any membership or package in writing, this membership/package will automatically renew each month for the terms and rates mentioned above. This membership may not be canceled before the fulfillment of the total committed membership period. Memberships are transferable.  Memberships may also be frozen for a period of not more than 90 days. If the member chooses to freeze this membership, the length of the freeze will be added to "committed until" date and the terms of this membership will apply.  During the freeze period, the member is not eligible for the membership benefits until the membership is unfrozen.  If a member wishes to freeze a membership, the member must complete The Spa at Yellow Creek's "Freeze Request." 

Member Signature:                                                      Date:


_______________________________________________      ___/____/______


Spa Representative Signature:                                                Date:


_______________________________________________      ___/____/______